Secured Signing offers the best of both worlds – Independent Verification and Cloud-based Archive of Signed Documents

Independent verification of signed documents is so important.  We know it is one of the key reasons people choose Secured Signing. It is the reason Secured Signing uses a personal PKI digital signature for every document signed. The signed document contains everything needed to verify the document is authentic and reliable. We don’t need to keep a copy of your document so we don’t.

But accidents happen and on occasions people can forget to save their signed document somewhere safe. Secured Signing now provides the option to keep an online or cloud based archive of all signed documents.

It’s your choice to enable the cloud archive option. In My Settings it is simply a case of turning on the cloud storage option.  For enterprise accounts you can choose to enable cloud storage for all accounts or just some.

With cloud storage enabled, when the singing process is complete and the document is removed from Secured Signing, a copy will be saved to the cloud. We use a specialized service provider for the storage and documents are held in an encrypted format for peace of mind.

The My Documents page provides a complete history of all the document you have added to Secured Signing. It shows you a summary for each document and the option to display the log or audit trail for each document. If you enable cloud storage, you will also be able view the signed document.

The optional cloud storage service is offered to Secured Signing customers at no additional cost.

Another great option to ensure you never lose a signed document is to setup a default completion recipient. Adding your records team as the default completion recipient means that Secured Signing will send them a copy of all signed documents automatically without you having to remember. You may also be able to use the email address for your recordkeeping system as the completion recipient.